Speaker-Dependent Feature Generalizability for the Detection of Alcohol Intoxication
Arian Shamei, Xinglei Liu, Rima Seiilova. 2024. Canadian Acoustics, 52(1).
Impairments to speech motor control from alcohol intoxication are variable across individuals, making speaker-dependent approaches ideal for speech-based intoxication detection. Here we evaluated whether individual acoustic features have high generalizability across ...
Feature generalizability for speaker-dependent detection of alcohol intoxication
Xinglei Liu, Arian Shamei, Rima Seiilova. 2024. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 155(3_Supplement), A339-A339.
Impairments to speech motor control from alcohol intoxication are variable across individuals, making speaker-dependent approaches ideal for speech-based intoxication detection [Schiel et al., 2010. Proc. INTERSPEECH 2010]. Here, we evaluated whether individual acoustic features...
Voice analysis for intoxication detection in laboratory versus law enforcement contexts
Arian Shamei, Xinglei Liu, Rima Seiilova, Bryan Gick. 2024. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 155(3_Supplement), A342-A342.
There is substantial interest in deploying voice biomarkers for the detection of alcohol intoxication, yet it remains unknown how other mental and physical states (e.g. emotion, stress) influence voice biomarkers in intoxicated speech. We compared measurements of voice ...
Vowel space expansion following alcohol intoxication
Arian Shamei, Xinglei Liu, Rima Seiilova, Bryan Gick. 2024. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 155(3_Supplement), A168-A168.
Alcohol intoxication is characterized by hypermetric movements (overshoot) in manual fine motor skills [Phillips et al., (2009). Hum. Movement Sci,. 28(5), 619–632]. It remains unknown whether hypermetric movements manifest in speech following alcohol intoxication...
Using Prosodic And Spectral Characteristics For Sleepiness Detection
Jarek Krajewski, Bernd Kröger. 2007
This paper describes a promising sleepiness detection approach based on prosodic and spectral speech characteristics and illustrates the validity of this method by briefly discussing results from a sleep deprivation study (N=20). We conducted a within-subject sleep deprivation design ...
An Acoustic Framework for Detecting Fatigue in Speech Based Human-Computer-Interaction
Jarek Krajewski, Rainer Wieland, Anton Batliner. 2008
... The main part of the feature computation is the combination of frame level based speech features and high level contour descriptors resulting in over 8,500 features per speech sample. In general the measurement process follows the speech adapted steps of pattern recognition ...
Estimating Fatigue from Predetermined Speech Samples Transmitted by Operator Communication Systems
Jarek Krajewski, Udo Trutschel, Martin Golz, David Sommer, Dave Edwards. 2009
We present an estimation of fatigue level within individual operators using voice analysis. One advantage of voice analysis is its utilization of already existing operator communications hardware (2-way radio). From the driver viewpoint it’s an unobtrusive, non-interfering ,...
Detecting fatigue from steering behaviour applying continuous wavelet transform
Jarek Krajewski, Martin Golz, Sebastian Schnieder, Thomas Schnupp, Christian Heinze, David Sommer. 2010
The aim of this paper is to develop signal processing based method to measure fatigue from motor behaviour. The advantages of this steering wheel movement approach are that obtaining steering data within driving is robust, non obtrusive, free from sensor application and ...
Detecting sleepy drivers by pattern recognition based analysis of steering wheel behaviour
Jarek Krajewski, Martin Golz, and David Sommer. 2009
Using steering wheel behaviour based approaches for sleepiness monitoring might have the advantage of being cheap, non-intrusive, and robust even under extreme demanding environmental conditions (eg high background noise, temperature, or humidity). Twelve ...
Acoustic-prosodic characteristics of sleepy speech–between performance and interpretation
Florian Honig, Anton Batliner, Elmar Noth, Sebastian Schnieder, Jarek Krajewski. 2014
When we address speaker states like sleepiness, two partly competing interests can be observed: both within applications and engineering approaches, we aim at utmost performance in terms of classification or regression accuracy – which normally means using a very large feature vector ...
Multiple classifier applied on predicting microsleep from speech
Jarek Krajewski, Anton Batliner, Rainer Wieland. 2009
The aim of this study is to apply a state-of-the-art speech emotion recognition engine on the detection of microsleep endangered sleepiness states. Current approaches in speech emotion recognition use low-level descriptors and functionals to compute brute-force feature sets ...
Microsleep Episodes and Related Crashes During Overnight Driving Simulations
Martin Golz, David Sommer, Jarek Krajewski, Udo Trutschel, Dave Edwards. 2011
Microsleep (MS) episodes and related crashes were studied in an overnight driving simulation study. A new definition of MS proposed recently was applied and the mean number as well as the mean length of MS was calculated. MS occurred much more frequently than crashes. ...
Are men more sleepy than women or does it only look like—Automatic analysis of sleepy speech
Florian Honig, Anton Batliner, Tobias Booklet, Georg Stemmer, Elmar Nöth, Sebastian Schnieder, Jarek Krajewski. 2014
The degree of sleepiness in the Sleepy Language Corpus from the Interspeech 2011 Speaker State Challenge is predicted with regression and a very large feature vector. Most notable is the great gender difference which can mainly be attributed to females showing their sleepiness ...